ANKH Association
The ANKH (Arab Network for Knowledge on Human rights) association helps and supports the rights of minority groups, specifically LGBTQI and people living with HIV, in the Euromediterranean region.
The Know More Campaign is an initiative of the association. It is a health campaign to improve awareness about sexually transmitted diseases by providing diverse information in the Arabic language from reliable sources, without stigmatizing individuals on the basis of gender, religion, ethnic background, color, or sexual orientation. HIV is one of the main themes of the campaign.
‘Points of Life’ is an exhibition project set up by the campaign and association, focusing on people living with HIV in Egypt and highlighting their personal experiences, joys, and challenges.
See: ANKH Association
Behind the Curtain #LPW2020
Behind the curtain “أنا مريضة إيدز ونفسى أتعامل كبنى آدمة، معملتش حاجة غلط علشان المجتمع ينبذنى ولما بمرض مش بلاقى دكتور يعاملنى كويس، وبقيت أخاف من الناس فاضطرت لارتداء النقاب خوفا من تعرف الناس على شخصيتى عند اللجوء لتلقى العلاج. ” “فى عام 2006 ظهرت الأعراض الأولية كإسهال وترجيع وسخونية، وفقدت الكثير من وزنى فبعد…
LUV game feedback from Grenoble + Ankh Association
The first public presentation of Exposition Points de Vie, organized by Ankh Association and dedicated to people living with HIV in Egypt, took place on October 26th in Grenoble, France. The exhibition gave light to their experiences, joys, and difficulties. It involved the interactive game by Luv ‘Til it Hurts, a Falafel party, and Karaoke.…
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Pour La Libération Immédiate de Malak El-Kashif!
Lundi 1er juillet, à l’initiative de l’ Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms (ECRF), ANKH (Arab Network for Knowledge about Human rights), Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS) et avec le soutien d’EuroMed Rights, la Fédération Internationale des ligues des Droits de L’Homme, et la Ligue des Droits de l’Homme, s’est tenue une conférence…
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Interview With Ankh Association
TL: A mutual friend and queer activist in Cairo was helping me find a place to stay in Paris only a few days before my trip. I somehow end up sleeping on your couch in the suburbs of Paris. You two make the Ankh Association that supports LGBTQQI and HIV+ folks in the Middle East…