
Luv ’til it Hurts

   1. Across generations of continentsWhat do it mean to be haunted? by a virus. A bluegrassgrandma in Sparta, Tennessee died today; So did Ntozake Shange. I wonder is it was they knew each other?Ntozake and grandma? the yellow / the red / the Asian pacific islander /the poor poor white / the black /…

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Luv Til It Hurts

I am grateful for community. For me, I find the most healing when I find community with others living with HIV. When I can share and hold space with another survivor (anyone still living with the virus is a survivor). It means the world to meet another person, who is a survivor of all the…

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Chateau Truvada

I. When I was raped, first he bought me cigarettes. Both of us hilariously drunk, he followed me into the bathroom, came up behind, then yanked my pants down and pushed me into the tub. This was at some rich girl’s apartment downtown. When we were invited to the same wedding (years later) and I…

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Venezuela, Bogotá

Luciérnagas Laboratorio: Arte | fronteras | VIH  proyecto de arte por Daniel Santiago Salguero Querido Todd. Respondiendo a tus preguntas del último correo te cuento: Efectivamente la crisis Venezolana ha traído una cantidad inmensa de personas de Venezuela a Colombia. Es la migración interna más grande en la historia reciente de Sur América. Se habla de…

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The Gathering

Introduction In “A Conversation with Eric Rhein,” an interview on this website, Eric was asked about some writing he’d done: a text which corresponds with many of the themes in his recent exhibition, Lifelines. Eric followed-up with this memoir, written in 1998, and we are happy that he’s shared it with us here. The Gathering…

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Relatoría Sesión #1 – Contexto del cuerpo en las Artes

Laboratorio LuciérnagasRelatoría 15 junio sesión #1 Contexto del cuerpo en las Artes (para artistas y no artistas) Escuchamos la pieza sonora de John Cage “canción para Marcel Duchamp”. Hicimos cuadernos de notas para tomar anotaciones. ¿Por qué del laboratorio? Lineamientos. Cada uno habló de cómo se relaciona con los contenidos del laboratorio Contexto del cuerpo…

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HIV+ in São Paulo

You’ve all heard about the gay content shows being cancelled or censored all over Brasil. Maybe you heard of the Sexualities show at MASP a couple years back as well. MASP is a big institution. It gets big-named curators. And a lot of attention.  Just now there is a theatre piece on HIV being censored in São Paulo. …

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Relatoría Sesión #4 – Arte / Fronteras

Laboratorio Luciérnagas Relatoría 27 Julio sesión #4    Arte y fronteras políticas Invitadas: Melissa Guevara Artista Laura Echeverri Abogada derechos humanos Relatoría: Melisa Guevara es artista Salvadoreña. Habló del libro “Luciérnagas en el Mozote” que contiene narraciones y testimonios sobre la masacre (1981) mas grande que ha sucedió en américa latina, 900 muertos perpetrados por…

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LUV is an Endorser of the HIV2020 Conference in Mexico City

HIV2020: Community Reclaiming the Global ResponseMexico City, July 6-8, 2020www.hiv2020.org —Background— Human rights conditions in the United States of America (U.S.) have worsened, since the presidential election of Donald Trump. This is especially true for immigrants from Muslim, African, Caribbean and Latin American countries, as well as for people of color, people who use drugs,…

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Eu tive Aids por 2 meses

_____________________________________ Support Marina Vergueiro’s crowdfunding for the PROJETO EXPOSTA _____________________________________ Eu tive Aids por dois meses.Há 7 anos, eu tive Aids por dois meses.AIDS.AIDS mesmo.Olha só.Não morri.Eu continuo aqui.A Aids não.Ela vazou.Evaporou de mimE sumiu.A Aids é coisa do meu passado,Desde que me tornei indetectável.Já o HIV sobreviveuAssim como eu.O HIV é um vírus que…

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Relatoría Sesión #6 – Disidencia Sonora

Laboratorio Luciérnagas Relatoría 24 Agosto sesión #6 disidencia sonora artista invitado: Mauricio Rivera Henao lugar: Adorno – Liberia Relatoría: Mauricio Rivera es artista sonoro, también trabaja con video e instalaciones. Tiene una pregunta constante por el territorio. Disidencia = contra hegemónico Obra: un diálogo con el lago Titicaca Paisaje sonoro: retratar los paisajes en término…

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Relatoría Sesión #7 – Cuerpos Fluidos

Laboratorio LuciérnagasRelatoría 7 septiembresesión #7cuerpos fluidosartista invitado: Juan Manuel Mosqueralugar: Jardín Botánico de Bogotá TallerExploración de las posibilidades expresivas del cuerpo a partir de un reconocimiento y una apertura del espacio sensible. ActividadesReconocer y explorar las tres llaves del espacio sensible: el peso del cuerpo, sentir y hacer consciente la respiración y permitir la consciencia…

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‘People in Trouble’ at Thirty: On Realism, Trump, and the AIDS Cataclysm

Thirty years after its completion, my novel People in Trouble has taken on resonance far beyond my original passions and intention. Its most notorious cultural eruptions: the uncredited derivations of the novel into the musical Rent, and the premonitional nightmare of Donald Trump as a world “leader”–are filled with meaning and have been fodder for speculation. Yet these later…

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This sorrowdoes not belong to you it belongs to the air that evaporates              to the light               that shatters               like glass You take to the street with the crossbow tensed against the chiaroscuro of the city    …

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Relatory Bogotá

Bodies containing Fireflies that wander through the nocturnal jungle, emitting calls and small sparks of light for courting and to find copulation. They remind us that in the jungle there are no limits or borders. Migrating, as many do out of necessity, or as a virus does from one body into another, is a fluid…

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puppy luv + cloth hearts

So George and I had this idea for an intervention in the São Paulo AIDS Walk, which happens on or around World AIDS Day, December 1 (yesterday). A group of us (somos) made a poetry, film and performance sarau, Somos (Mais) Sarau Transante was on Saturday evening, November 30 to get us in the mood for the intense day…

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New Toolkit by CLAC and MPact for Access to Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria

In order to facilitate access to funding from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, the Community Leadership and Action Collaborative (CLAC) created a toolkit for key population-led grassroots organizations, which can be downloaded for free online. Read more at: https://mpactglobal.org/new-global-fund-toolkit-by-clac-and-mpact-on-increasing-accessing-to-resources/ Download the toolkit here (English)

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We take drugs. A colleague of mine, Carué Contreiras gives away spices and herbs in his HIV med bottles. Artist Kairon Liu ( 劉仁凱 ) makes portraits in which he asks pill bottles to be among other memorabilia (signs of life). I luv mine. But actually I’m talking about party drugs and entrée to harder ones. George and I were…

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Capitalismo Viral

[*Bruno Mendonça e Felipe Caprestano – Terra Falsa (parte do projeto “Nenhuma Intenção Revolucionária”)] O uso da palavra vírus para além do campo das ciências biológicas teve início a partir da década de 1980 com o desenvolvimento da cultura hacker, assim como ao longo da mesma década foi sendo assumido por outras áreas.Essa passagem conceitual…

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alvos desde sempre porque não hegemônicos corpos reclassificados incômodos inconformes marginais seculares preto feminino não-binário trans intersexual refugiado positivo imigrado expulso indígena . sacrificado . Mas em movimento! . Body Work and conception: Alberto Pereira Jr. @albertopereirajrBody Art: DIG Ferreira @digferreiraImages: Flavio Melgarejo @ffmelgarejo See also, by Alberto Pereira Jr: #ELE Please, touch me (PT/EN)

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Socket Wrench

[*A few years ago (2013), graphic artist Beldan Sezen was in the Netherlands and needed some quick photos of a historic scene. The graphic short she was making is called HOMOE, set in 1964 pre-Stonewall NYC, about a man remembering the homophobic murder of his neighbor “back in the day.” We decided to trade my…

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I. Levantou-se. Dentro da privada, mescla de prazer e necessidade. A. se viu refletido no espelho pela primeira vez. Olhos ainda vermelhos, cabelo desgrenhado, suor na face e no torso nu. Ela abriu o chuveiro e, dessa vez, foi ágil ao manejar a temperatura da água. Sorriu. Pegou a primeira toalha disponível. Macia. Enxugou-se sem…

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Democracia é o tema da Parada do Orgulho LGBT de São Paulo em 2020 e HIV/AIDS é o tema de 2021

A Associação da Parada do Orgulho LGBT de São Paulo, ONG responsável pela maior Parada LGBT do Mundo, vem comunicar que após reuniões realizadas nos meses de Novembro e Dezembro/2019, com a participação da Sociedade Civil (mediante convite e inscrição prévia) e das Pessoas Associadas, onde resultaram na sugestão e seleção de dois temas como…

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Please, touch me (PT/EN)

[*Alberto Pereira Jr. first made ‘Please, touch me’ for a 2019 workshop in São Paulo. His production notes are the third in a series that also includes a project abstract #movingtarget and creative writing, ELE. xo, Todd] PT Instigado por um workshop realizado no instituto Itaú Cultural, sobre estigma e produção artística contemporânea em relação…

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Cidade Queer, a film

Watch: Queer City / Cicade Queer, by Danila Bustamante. Bodies that listen, dance, resist, manifest and become visible in our contemporary city. Bodies that dance the sounds of funk music, rap, samba, voguing, waacking, among other sonic styles of contestation, resistance and struggle. Through talks, dinners, experiences and exchanges, a city seeks to discuss how…

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What I’m learning about participatory art; #LPW2020, pre-B & Elpenor method, #2

This year Love Positive Women is so big for us it constitutes an ACT … Act 1.5 to be exact. The acts are dramaturgically useful for steering Luv ’til it Hurts toward its endpoint in mid-2020, and in that way reveal various ‘assemblages’ (or intense clusters) along the two-year course. While the ‘business plan’ of ACT II is…

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Feasting with Panthers (and Palestine): Edmund White’s Jean Genet #LPW2020

If writing is a committed utopian action, then the Jean Genet of Edmund White’s engaging, impressive, transformative Genet: A Biography was the epitome of  manic depression. Genet wrote his five novels in five years, from 1942-47. After seven years of sadness and silence, he wrote his three best known plays in two years. The subsequent…

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Emanuel Brauna-Lechat interviews Momô de Oliveira #LPW2020

EBL: Momô, qual a sua avaliação sobre o cenário cinematográfico de um modo geral no Brasil?MO: Vejo o cenário cinematográfico no Brasil com muitas incertezas, apesar de sabermos recentemente que para o ano de 2020 grandes nomes do STREAM irão injetar alguns milhões no setor, o que é muito positivo, não teremos, por outros lado, políticas…

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Behind the Curtain #LPW2020

Behind the curtain “أنا مريضة إيدز ونفسى أتعامل كبنى آدمة، معملتش حاجة غلط علشان المجتمع ينبذنى ولما بمرض مش بلاقى دكتور يعاملنى كويس، وبقيت أخاف من الناس فاضطرت لارتداء النقاب خوفا من تعرف الناس على شخصيتى عند اللجوء لتلقى العلاج. ” “فى عام 2006 ظهرت الأعراض الأولية كإسهال وترجيع وسخونية، وفقدت الكثير من وزنى فبعد…

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Viral Love #LPW2020

[*I first met Oma working in the legal aid clinic for Iraqi refugees in Cairo set up by Barbara Harrell-Bond back in 2007. To read more about our background, check out A series for LovePositiveWomen2020 and What do a Sudanese Mom Search the Internet for?, as well as a description of LUV’s ACT 1.5 (LovePositiveWomen2020). Thanks for being there, Oma!…

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Daniel Santiago Salguero interviews Jacqueline Sanchez for Luciérnagas #LPW2020

DSS: Buenas tarde, Jaque, gracias por estar aquí y colaborar con esta entrevista. Te voy a hacer unas preguntas que ya conoces. Si no quieres responder o te sientes incómoda podemos parar y no hay problema.  ¿Hace cuánto descubriste que tienes VIH? ¿Cómo ha sido todo desde entonces? JS: Bueno, yo descubrí que tengo el…

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Relatoría última sesión Luciérnagas – Last Luciérnagas Session Report

Image taken at Oct 25 (2019) Luciérnagas performance Before the presentation we did some in situ rehearsals, although they were never enough, we did them. The Botanical Garden is a very bureaucratic institution and it was difficult to manage the space for more preparations. For these last sessions we got together Eudes Toncel, a Guajiro Colombian…

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Steal This Game

‘Stealing’ the LUV Game is a bit easier than Hoffman’s book. It is free to begin with. I tell the story of how the LUV Game came about first as an idea from a young Egyptian designer in a description of ACT I, considering how one might discuss (or signal a safe discussion on) HIV in a place like…

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I wanted to elaborate more on the concept of ‘transcendence’

Image: ‘Hummingbirds’ (Installation of 6), 2016, by artist Eric Rhein I wanted to elaborate more on the concept of ’transcendence’, mostly because I have some reservations about it. BUT, the fact that HIV is a disease that you live with took me to the place of transcendence. I departed from Eric’s work and paid especial attention to it. The aesthetics…

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Eric RheinCommunion with Oak (self-portrait)1998, gelatin silver print, 20”x16” I walk with the shadows of the men I’ve known, and loved, and tasted, and feel, even still, the warmth of their breath against my skin. Eric Rhein    1992 _____________________ Eric Rhein is an artist living and working in New York. He has exhibited widely…

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What would you do tomorrow if it was the last day of your life (VIHda)?

“De Gris a POSITHIVO” Documental Autobiográfico de Juan De La Mar que hace parte de Luv ’til it Hurts, se encuentra seleccionado para “Media Library 2020 – Visions Du Réel, Festival Internacional de Cine de Nyon”. “De Gris a POSITHIVO,” an Autobiographical Documentary by Juan De La Mar, who is part of Luv ’til it…

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luv rules

When I first put out tent pegs for Luv ’til it Hurts (LUV), I framed it as a two-year period of R&D. The duration of the R&D is the (art) work. This is because I could guarantee to perform ‘research and development’ for a period that I determine duration. I aimed the process at a…

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